Cutting and welding materials in Krasnodar
A variety of welding methods require the use of different types of consumables ( electrodes, welding wire ). Cutting and welding technologies include the implementation of preparatory ( pre-cleaning of rust and pollution, removal of burrs, etc. ) and final operations ( cleaning from plaque, metal dust, cleaning of welds, grinding ), for which a special tool is used.
ALFA-STAR offers:
- tungsten electrodes of the following species
- lantanized ( with additives of lanthane oxide ) for welding stainless steel, aluminum and its alloys on alternating and direct current devices;
- thorinated ( with thorium oxide ) for welding black and stainless steel, copper, titanium at a constant current;
- Itrated ( with itria oxide ) for welding aluminum and its alloys on alternating current and stainless steel — on a constant,
- black and stainless steel electrodes Cromarod 316L / 316LP;
- stainless steel welding wire. Welding wire performs a dual function of electrode and additive material. In our catalog:
- additives for argon arc welding TIG 308 Cromatig 308LSi, TIG Croimatig 316LSi;
- additives MIG Cromamig 308LSi, MIG 316 for semi-automatic welding.
In our catalog:
- cutting discs for ( USHM, or Bulgarian ) and cutting machines;
- stripping discs made of zirconium skins for cleaning from rust and pollution, removing surface defects, preparing for subsequent grinding and polishing;
- steel brushes for the removal of pollution, plaque, rust, burrs, surface grinding, cleaning of the place for welding, cleaning of welding seams. They are used as a nozzle on a drill or other rotating tool.